Example multi_column_list.lua

This example shows how to use the list with multi column items. It also
illustrates the optional use of headers, as well as the fact that the
`on_selection` callback will be passed the item exactly as it was given
which lets you use any arbitrary field in the selection logic.

For the purpose of this example the `F6' key will be set to show the
example buffer. Provided that TextUI is installed, you can copy this to
your .textadept/init.lua, and press `F6` to try it out.

@author Nils Nordman <nino at nordman.org>
@copyright 2012
@license MIT (see LICENSE)

require 'textadept'
_M.textui = require 'textui'

local function on_selection(list, item)
  -- we will get back exactly what we specified, so the below code will print
  -- the IDs we specify further down (1, 2 or 3)
  gui.statusbar_text = 'You selected ' .. item.id

local function show_multi_column_list()
  local list = _M.textui.list.new('Multi column list')

  -- Set the headers. This is optional and can be skipped if so desired
  list.headers = { 'Thing', 'Is' }

  -- List of multi column items, with additional named fields
  list.items = {
    { 'Volvo', 'Vehicle',      id = 1 },
    { 'Dog',   'Animal',       id = 2 },
    { 'Hell',  'Other people', id = 3 }

  list.on_selection = on_selection

keys['f6'] = show_multi_column_list

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